Falkirk Fundraiser!

The line-up for the Food Banks Fundraiser on 1st May: left to right, Vicki Jarrett, Gordon, me, MacGillivray, Katherine Macfarlane and Fiona McNeill, Craig and Janet Paisley. Jenny Lindsay and Lucy Ribchester missed the mass pic, but are photographed below.
The Grind and [Untitled]
have been putting on highly successful fundraisers since 2014, and the new show also aimed "to celebrate the staggering wealth of female talent in the Scottish writing/music scene". Janet Paisley, Vicki Jarrett, Katharine Macfarlane + Fiona McNeill, Lucy Ribchester and the astonishing MacGillivray, with hostess, poet and raconteur Jenny Lidnsay keeping the show together. Me and a full house added in.
Gordon Johnston (for the Grid) and Craig Allan (for [Untitled]) served up a great night. Short gallery of snaps to give you a flavour: only sad I can't throw in the music here too.
The Grind and [Untitled] are non-profit organisations and produce and support new work.
Find them at the click-through links above to support or find out more. If you live in Falkirk, seek them out (start with the links in blue above). New writing, fresh ideas, good people.
Photos Eddie McEleny